Summer Reads That Didn’t Start Out Spiritual

Over the past year or two, I have picked up a few poolside reads that ended up being pretty spiritual, despite them not being strictly devotional.

These books inspired a lot of gratitude and appreciation for freedom, for authentic friendship, and the protection that I enjoy on a daily basis. They are not family read-a-louds, but the kind of books that break your heart while growing it larger.

So much falls into perspective when I remember the incredible feats of women or vulnerable individuals who stand strong under unbearable circumstances. Individuals who choose bravery in the face of opposition. Individuals who know there is a different way to live and strive for it, despite being the minority.

Will our generations be the ones to immerse ourselves in recent history and build the better future? Will our generations be the ones to learn from the past or replay it? Will our generations raise leaders or followers? Will we answer our call to greatness or become spectators? Will we seek the Good of “greater good” or fabricate our own?

One mental image replays in my mind…. a sea streaming toward the fire with individuals standing one-by-one to change the current…

Don’t waste your free time.

The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah
With God in Russia by Walter Ciszeck
He Leadeth Me by Walter Ciszek
The Tattooist of Auschwitz by Heather Morris

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